Autoline » Trucks sales auctions » Chassis trucks sales auctions » MAN chassis trucks sales auctions » MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer »

MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck for sale by auction + chassis trailer

MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 1 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 2 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 3 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 4 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 5 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 6 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 7 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 8 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 9 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 10 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 11 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 12 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 13 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 14 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 15 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 16 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 17 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 18 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 19 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 20 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 21 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 22 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 23 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 24 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 25 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 26 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 27 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 28 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 29 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 30 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 31 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 32 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 33 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 34 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 35 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 36 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 37 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 38 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 39 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 40 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 41 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 42 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 43 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 44 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 45 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 46 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 47 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 48 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 49 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 50 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 51 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 52 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 53 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 54 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 55 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 56 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 57 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 58 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 59 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 60 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 61 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 62 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 63 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 64 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 65 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 66 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 67 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 68 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 69 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 70 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 71 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 72 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 73 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 74 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 75 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 76 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 77 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 78 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 79 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 80 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 81 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 82 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 83 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 84 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 85 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 86 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 87 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 88 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 89 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 90 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 91 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 92 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 93 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 94 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 95 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 96 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 97 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 98 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 99 - Autoline
MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer | Image 100 - Autoline
Interested in the ad?
Starting bid:
CZK 200,000
≈ $8,662
go to auction
Contact the seller
Brand: MAN
Model: TGX 24.440
Year of manufacture: 2015-09
First registration: 2015-09-01
Mileage: 993,933 km
Gross weight: 9,725 kg
Location: Czechia Ústí Nad Labem 1
Placed on: Mar 20, 2025
Autoline ID: ZM44859
MAN TGX 24.440 truck
Brand: MAN
Model: TGX 24.440
Year of manufacture: 2015-09
First registration: 2015-09-01
Mileage: 993,933 km
Gross weight: 9,725 kg
Overall dimensions: length - 10.04 m, width - 2.55 m
Truck body
Body dimensions: 10.04 m × 2.55 m × 3.8 m
Power: 434 HP (319 kW)
Fuel: diesel
Number of axles: 3
Sleeper: 2
Condition: used
More details
Krone ZZ chassis trailer
Brand: Krone
Model: ZZ
Number of axles: 2
Condition: used

More details — MAN TGX 24.440 chassis truck + chassis trailer

MAN TGX 24.440:
Regular service.
Out of service for 1 month.

KRONE ZZ container carrier:
Regular service.
Valid MOT 15.4.2025.
Validity of registration check 14.4.2025.
Surface corrosion, Operating clearance in mounting and control, Broken plastic parts, Scratches on bodywork, Some moving parts may be stiff, Damage to underrun protection

Stickers, Damage to underrun protection, Slightly dented fuel tank, Damaged front part from stones, Operation wear and damages, Scratches on the body, Low battery, Operating clearance in the bearing
MAN TGX 24.440:
Pravidelný servis.
Odstaveno z provozu 1 měsíc.

Nosič kontejnerů KRONE ZZ:
Pravidelný servis.
Platnost STK 15.4.2025.
Platnost evidenční kontroly 14.4.2025.
Povrchová koroze, Provozní vůle v uložení a ovládání, Polámané plastové části, Škrábance na karoserii, Některé pohyblivé části mohou být zatuhlé, Poškození ochrany proti podjetí

Polepy, Poškození ochrany proti podjetí, Lehce promáčklá palivová nádrž, Poškozená přední část od kamínků, Provozní oděrky a poškození, Škrábance na karoserii, Slabý akumulátor, Provozní vůle v uložení
MAN TGX 24.440:
Regelmäßiger Service.
1 Monat außer Betrieb.

KRONE ZZ Containerträger:
Regelmäßiger Service.
TÜV gültig bis 15.4.2025.
Meldescheinprüfung gültig bis 14.04.2025.
Oberflächenkorrosion, Spiel in der Lagerung und Steuerung, Gebrochene Kunststoffteile, Kratzer auf der Karosserie, Einige bewegliche Teile können festsitzen, Schäden am Unterfahrschutz

Aufkleber, Beschädigung Unterfahrschutz, Leicht verbeulter Tank, Beschädigtes Vorderteil durch Steine, Schürfwunden und Karosserieschäden, Kratzer am Körper, Schwache Batterie, Laufspiel im Lager
MAN TGX 24.440:
Rendszeres szerviz.
1 hónapja üzemen kívül.

KRONE ZZ konténerszállító:
Rendszeres szerviz.
MOT 2025.4.15-ig érvényes.
A regisztrációs csekk 2025. április 14-ig érvényes.
Felületi korrózió, Működési hézag a szerelésnél és a vezérlésnél, Törött műanyag alkatrészek, Karcok a karosszérián, Egyes mozgó alkatrészek beragadhatnak, Az aláfutásgátló sérülései

Matricák, aláfutás elleni védelem sérülése, enyhén horpadt üzemanyagtartály, Az elülső része kövektől sérült, Üzemi horzsolások és sérült, Karcolások a karosszérián
, Gyenge akkumulátor
, Elhelyezés üzemi holtjátéka
MAN TGX 24.440:
Regularna usługa.
Nieczynne przez 1 miesiąc.

Transporter kontenerowy KRONE ZZ:
Regularna usługa.
Przegląd techniczny ważny do 15.4.2025.
Weryfikacja rejestracji ważna do 14 kwietnia 2025 r.
Korozja powierzchni, Luz roboczy w montażu i sterowaniu, Złamane części plastikowe, Zadrapania na karoserii, Niektóre ruchome części mogą być zablokowane, Uszkodzenie osłony przeciwnajazdowej

Naklejki, Uszkodzenie osłony przeciwnajazdowej, Lekko wgnieciony zbiornik paliwa, Uszkodzona przednia część od kamieni, Otarcia eksploatacyjne i uszkodzenia, Zadrapania na ciele, Słaby akumulator, Luz roboczy w ułożeniu
МАН TGX 24.440:
Регулярное обслуживание.
Не работал 1 месяц.

Контейнеровоз KRONE ZZ:
Регулярное обслуживание.
Техпаспорт действителен до 15.04.2025.
Регистрационный чек действителен до 14 апреля 2025 года.
Поверхностная коррозия, Рабочий зазор в креплении и управлении, Сломанные пластиковые детали, Царапины на кузове, Некоторые движущиеся части могут застрять, Повреждение противоподкатной защиты

Наклейки, Повреждение противоподкатной защиты, Слегка помятый топливный бак, Поврежденная передняя часть от камней, Эксплуатационные потертости и повреждения, Царапины на теле, Слабый аккумулятор, Эксплуатационный зазор в подшипниках
MAN TGX 24.440:
Pravidelný servis.
Odstavené z prevádzky 1 mesiac.

Nosič kontajnerov KRONE ZZ:
Pravidelný servis.
Platnosť STK 15.4.2025.
Platnosť evidenčnej kontroly 14.4.2025.
Povrchová korózia, Prevádzková vôľa v uložení a ovládaní, Polámané plastové časti, Škrabance na karosérii, Niektoré pohyblivé časti môžu byť stuhnuté, Poškodenie ochrany proti podbehnutiu

Polepy, Poškodenie ochrany proti podbehnutiu, Ľahko pretlačená palivová nádrž, Poškodená predná časť od kamienkov, Prevádzkové odreniny a poškodenie, Škrabance na karosérii, Slabý akumulátor, Prevádzková vôľa v uložení
MAN TGX 24.440:
Регулярне обслуговування.
Не працює 1 місяць.

Контейнеровоз KRONE ZZ:
Регулярне обслуговування.
ТО до 15.04.2025.
Реєстраційний чек дійсний до 14 квітня 2025 року.
Поверхнева корозія, Робочий зазор у кріпленні та управлінні, Зламані пластикові деталі, Подряпини на кузові, Деякі рухомі частини можуть застрягти, Пошкодження протизакатного захисту

Наклейки, Пошкодження підкатного захисту, Злегка пом'ятий паливний бак, Пошкоджена передня частина від каміння, Подряпини на кузові, Слабкий акумулятор, Експлуатаційний зазор у підшипниках
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
Purchase tips
Safety tips
Seller Verification

If you decide to buy equipment at a low price, make sure that you communicate with the real seller. Find out as much information about the owner of the equipment as possible. One way of cheating is to represent yourself as a real company. In case of suspicion, inform us about this for additional control, through the feedback form.

Price Check

Before you decide to make a purchase, carefully review several sales offers to understand the average cost of your chosen equipment. If the price of the offer you like is much lower than similar offers, think about it. A significant price difference may indicate hidden defects or an attempt by the seller to commit fraudulent acts.

Do not buy products which price is too different from the average price for similar equipment.

Do not give consent to dubious pledges and prepaid goods. In case of doubt, do not be afraid to clarify details, ask for additional photographs and documents for equipment, check the authenticity of documents, ask questions.

Doubtful prepayment

The most common type of fraud. Unfair sellers may request a certain amount of advance payment to “book” your right to purchase equipment. Thus, fraudsters can collect a large amount and disappear, no longer get in touch.

Varieties of this fraud may include:
  • Transfer of prepayment to the card
  • Do not make an advance payment without paperwork confirming the process of transferring money, if during the communication the seller is in doubt.
  • Transfer to the “Trustee” account
  • Such a request should be alarming, most likely you are communicating with a fraudster.
  • Transfer to a company account with a similar name
  • Be careful, fraudsters may disguise themselves as well-known companies, making minor changes to the name. Do not transfer funds if the company name is in doubt.
  • Substitution of own details in the invoice of a real company
  • Before making a transfer, make sure that the specified details are correct, and whether they relate to the specified company.
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